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HR & Payroll Add-on for Australian Businesses


Dynamics 365 Rostering Add-Ons

A Self-service Portal for Workforce Management

With Smart Rostering Software on D365, Keep Your Schedule Sorted 

Businesses with multiple employee scheduling and duties struggle with managing everything. This is when managers can get full assistance from the Dynamics 365 rostering software in managing shifts based on the available personnel data. We know that the time spent making decisions can affect your managerial energy. So, rostering in dynamics 365 is beneficial at every step if you want to save time and effort. You can get the data you need from it to make objective conclusions.

Rostering Features – DHRP Add-On

time and attendance softwareIn the smart Rostering module, timing and attendance become easy when managers have clear times of shifts on display. An admin gets the authority to create new roster lines while assigning new resources to these lines as well. Further, resources will accept the lines and add their time-in/time-out from a self-service portal. If the admin hasn’t assigned any roster lines, resources can choose their lines from the “unassigned rosters” tab. This cycle helps managers to manage shift profiles with the progress of each resource with better efficiency.

It is easy for the admin to create to delete any roster lines. Click on the “New button,” fill out the form and click “create.” It will cover the complete roster cycle, including timings, shifts, resources, and their role. 

Additionally, if the admin feels the need to clear out some clutter, they must delete roster lines from previous dates with the status of the draft. 

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All drag-and-drop functions and forms make the job of managers easy as the list of the available resources is already there; all you need is to assign the roster line. Once the roster line is created, the admin will assign available resources with their capacity as per the job’s need and the resource’s role. You only need to assign the resources and book them by clicking on “book,” and you are done.

Book a Resource against a roster line

With this smart employee rostering software, when you create a roster line, it also makes it easy for resources to accept the roster line booked by the admin. You can see the visible booked resources in “My Rosters” through the self-service portal. With this, the resource can accept or reject the assigned line from the action pane menu.

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It allows resources to enter their time-in and time-out for better time tracking. It further gives resources a chance to add time in and time out for their open shifts through “My rosters.”

Time in Time out

After the roster line has been approved, the resource’s capacity load will instantly be updated. When adding a resource to a roster line from the Unassigned rosters form, the system will display the resource’s capacity, hours reserved, and remaining hours. This will assist the system in preventing any overuse of the resource.

Capacity Load

Scheduling processes can be easy as resources can maintain themselves for any upcoming roster lines for better-sorted schedules by selecting “Unassigned Rosters” from the Worker self-service tile.

According to the preferences specified by the resource, such as Site, Shift preference, and Resource role, the unassigned roster tile will show upcoming rosters.

A resource can access the “My Rosters” tile in the Worker self-service to generate and see case notes against a roster line.

Additionally, the admin can access and generate these case notes using the All rosters form, My rosters form, and Change request form. 

Create and view case notes

If a resource can’t make it to the shift, they can add a “change request” for an already accepted roster from “My Roster” before a deadline specified in the rostering settings. 

Change Request

The admin can see every roster line approved or accepted by the resources indicated on the “All rosters” form. The authorized roster lines can also be removed by choosing a line and choosing the “cancel roster” button. From this form, the admin may also write and see case notes.

All Rosters Form

If any resources make change requests, the admin can see them from the change request form. Admin can also create and view case notes from this form.

Change Request Form

In the rostering app, you can create all your reports. 

All the unassigned roster lines will be listed in this report.

This report will list all the roster lines accepted by the resource.

The admin can view all roster lines created in the system through this report.

The Change request rosters list can be used to view all the change requests added against the roster lines with the Resource name, request type, and change request reason.

This report will list all the case notes created against roster lines.

Case notes created by only the resource will be listed here.

Case notes created by the recipient against roster IDs will be listed here.

Payroll Reporting

Benefits of Smart Rostering in Dynamics 365

As a manager, give yourself a break from being stuck in labor costs and utilize a self-service portal for workforce management and sort field service employees. 

With the DHRP Ad-on and Dynamics 365 rostering abilities, keep your process smooth and convenient. 

Need more information? Let’s get connected. 

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